

Als Assistent von RGEMaster kenne ich alle Geheimnisse – ich behalte sie nur alle für mich…

My favourite gear:

Rubber, Neopren, Workwear, Uniformen

The best “casual Gear” that you can also wear in everyday life:


A kink I don't get (no kink shaming):

Windel, NS

My hobbies:

THW, schwimmen, kochen, Freunde treffen

Here you can find me in gear:

Gearblast, MLC/ FLC Partys

I would max out my credit card here:

Bei Blackstyle

That's how I got to GearFM:

Plötzlich war ich irgendwie dabei…

If I'm not doing anything for GearFM, you can find me:


The best place to enjoy GearFM:

Zu Hause


We are looking for Gearheads* who want to work on GearFM.

*Gearhead can stand for male, female and diverse persons.

GearFM – The Gearhead Radio!
Made with ♡ in Gear!

© 2024 GearFM

Visual Radio is LIVE Visual Radio is OFFLINE