WOW - what a great launch this has been! With a total of around 250 Gearheads listening to or watching our streams, you have exceeded my wildest dreams! I am absolutely overwhelmed!
And here we are: 24/7 with music for you at the start. After this big show, our systems need to cool down a bit. Because the warmest weekend of the year so far has not left our technology cold either. (Haha pun intended) It's 01:38 as I write this text. Directly after the show to process the impressions straight away. After some initial difficulties, the show went very smoothly all in all. We connected three DJs from all over Europe in my studio and without a dress rehearsal - it's normal for minor problems to occur. I can't say often enough how thrilled I am that our project has gone down so well with you. I hope you will remain loyal to us in the future when we try out new things. The next big thing we are planning is a live broadcast of an event for all those who didn't get a ticket or stayed at home for other reasons. Dear event organizers, feel free to contact me: rgemaster(at)gearfm(dot)de
Our team is already working on great new things that we will be presenting to you in the near future. Until then, you'll have to be patient, because good things take time. It took half a year for the little idea in my head to become a real radio station. But we don't need another six months now, as our infrastructure is already in place and ready for new experiments.
I'm excited to see what the future holds and where the journey will take us. As we all know, a journey in the gear community can quickly change direction and you can find yourself somewhere else unexpectedly, but where you still like it. It's late: 01:48 in the meantime. I'm going to go to bed and try to sleep - or I'll just rave while listening to the stream. Let's see.
Hear ya! – RGEMaster